Your writing career just got a lot easier
Submissions by Biblish aims to solve many of the problems with submitting writing for publication based on our experience from both the writing and publishing side of the process. Submit your writing to one or many of our partner publications, see an access log and notes from the editors, so that you can see at a glance where your piece is in the process as it moves to acceptance or rejection, and accept payment for accepted submissions.
Queries, but easier
Let's make getting published the easiest part about writing
At Biblish, we want to make it easier for great writers to be discovered by dedicated publishers, especially if that writer lacks institutional connections
- Take the uncertainty out of queries
- With a log of access, comments, and tags that are viewable by the submitter, never wait interminably for a response from the publisher. Get more rapid feedback as the publisher reviews and organizes your submission.
- Discover writing opportunities
- Biblish's Submission platform helps you discover writing opportunities offered by our partner publications. If your piece is rejected by one publication, there may be another opportunity around the corner, and taking advantage of it takes no more than the click of a button.
- Build your resume
- Start building a catalogue of published works on Biblish's Submission portal. Move up the opportunities offered by our third partner publishers to get published in journals with greater circulation.
- Integrate your activity on Papertrail
- Your notes and reading activity on Papertrail can be made available to the publishers whom you submit to. Demonstrate your reading and thinking as a way of making you candidacy for publication stand out.
Let's find you a publishing partner
An early relationship with a dedicated publisher is a huge boon to the writer's work and their career. Why wait?

*ONLY OPEN TO RESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA* You will be submitting a work of literary fiction of 2000-8000 words that is to be published in The Rialto Books Review vol.027 on April 1st, 2025. There are no theme requirements, but submitters are encouraged to see what kind of writing has previously been published in The Rialto Books Review. Accepted writers will receive $200.00, 5 complimentary copies of the journal in print, and receive 33% of the sale price of any copies of The Rialto Books Review sold through their individual payment link. Accepted writers will be paid through Stripe once they have accepted the terms of publication and onboarded to our platform via Stripe. Only open to writers who are United States residents. Thank you, and we look forward to reading your submission.

*ONLY OPEN TO RESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA* You will be submitting a work of Non-Fiction or a Book Review of roughly 5000 words that is to be published in The Rialto Books Review vol.027 on April 1st, 2025. Accepted writers will receive $200.00, 5 complimentary copies of the journal in print, and receive 33% of the sale price of any copies of The Rialto Books Review sold through their individual payment link. Thank you, and we look forward to reading your submission. You can use Papertrail to take notes on the book you are reviewing in preparation for your article. Accepted writers will be paid through Stripe once they have accepted the terms of publication and onboarded to our platform via Stripe. Only open to writers who are United States residents. Thank you, and we look forward to reading your submission.

*ONLY OPEN TO RESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA* You will be submitting 1-3 poems that are to be published in The Rialto Books Review vol.027. The Rialto Books Review has a strong editorial interest in only publishing poems written in formal verse. We will read all submissions, as we know exemplary work can be done in free verse, but our editors will look more favorably on poems in formal verse as a rule. Accepted writers will receive $50.00, 5 complimentary copies of the journal in print, and 33% of the sale price of any copies of The Rialto Books Review sold through their individual payment link. Accepted writers will be paid through Stripe once they have accepted the terms of publication and onboarded to our platform via Stripe. Only open to writers who are United States residents. Thank you, and we look forward to reading your submission.